Friday, June 29, 2012

Young Professionals - Can You handle the Truth? 10 Tips About Careers (That Nobody Ever Tells You)

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Yikes! Hey college students and young professionals, the job outlook this year for entry-level positions isn't finding so good.

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How is Young Professionals - Can You handle the Truth? 10 Tips About Careers (That Nobody Ever Tells You)

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Colleges That Offer Physical Therapy.

So, the following tips are for students and up-to-date grads (all 2.5+M of you) who aren't afraid to hear the hard truth about the American workplace. You may not like what you read, but if you indubitably want to get ahead and find work that makes you happy, then you must face reality head on. Think of it as a paper cut - you can either apply the right care to it now, or you can ignore it, only to wake up and find it infected. Which will you do? I work with hundreds of professionals who all the time tell me the same thing, "I wish I had known these tips when I was beginning out." So please, don't ignore the facts. A jump start to a best time to come is available to those who heed these tips - guaranteed.

Tip #1: You are the most educated generation to enter the workforce, but you are also viewed as the least prepared. Don't be blind-sided by your generation's expert reality.

Your generation, Generation Next (also known as Gen Y & Millenials) is the largest and most educated generation to enter the workforce in Us history (over 70% plan to get undergraduate degrees and another 40% plan to get industrialized degrees). Unfortunately, you are also seen as professionally immature and a huge challenge in the workplace. How did this happen? A wee historical perspective helps to explain...

Years ago, getting a degree was a privilege and done with intent. If you were lucky enough to go to college, you knew what you were learning and what your career would be before you even began. You could expect a nice beginning salary and a spicy financial future. You also could count on a lifetime of employment and lots of career improvement from a particular firm. A gold watch and a retirement holder were often your repaymen for loyal years of service.

Fast forward to today: there are thousands of colleges and anyone who wants to go can get in somewhere. Thus, a college degree doesn't get you a 'leg up,' it just allows you to 'step up' to the career beginning line. Inflation has outpaced beginning salaries, and the average learner graduates +K debt but without the expert palpate and focus of those who graduated years ago. As many as 4 out of 5 college students have to move home after school because they can't afford to live on their own. In short, a college degree today is more expensive - but the return on the investment is down significantly.

Tip #2: The other generations in the workforce don't have much compassion for your situation. You are being incorrectly perceived as lazy, entitled and arrogant. Don't validate these beliefs by ignoring their concerns, instead, work to overcome them.

The other generations in the workforce think you deserve some 'tough love.' They are frustrated by your attitude in the workplace. The generations before you worked hard, paid their dues in jobs they didn't enjoy, and now want respect for their expert battle scars. Many of them had to pay for school themselves and didn't have the choice or time to recognize a career they could get excited about. The pressure to pay the bills and be out on their own forced them to put their expert satisfaction on the back burner. So, they don't appreciate you criticizing or spicy the workplace they created. These actions go against how they were raised on-the-job. And while no one expects you to effect in their footsteps, you do need to recognize that work palpate is principal to developing your own knowledge and skills. We don't run until we learn to walk, right? So, it's time to consider that you your views and opinions on-the-job may not be fully grown yet. Before you offer guidance on how a situation should be improved in the workplace, take the time to seek out the varying generational perspectives of those that have been there before you and make an effort to understand their point of view. The best employees know how to 'manage up.' That means, coaching those above you in order to get the results you desire. The first and most foremost rule in coaching is , "Ask, don't tell." If you want to turn a person's point of view, you need to broaden their perspective by request questions that will supply you with a more comprehensive insight of their position.

Here's something to consider: Generation Next is known as generous and socially responsible. You are worried about the world and care about those nearby you. So why not contain the generations above you in your efforts to generate a best world? Share with them your ideas and enthusiasm, but respect their knowledge and time spent in the trenches. Correlate your thoughts and think considered about how you carry yourself on-the-job. Your opinions do matter, but will only be heard if you can articulate them in a way that connects you to those you wish to influence. Learn to speak their language, and all ears will be on you.

Tip #3: Don'T road trip, backpack or 'take a year off' without reasoning about your career first. Those who delay to play, often pay!

As graduation approaches, many students feel the pressure of career and think, "I've done what's unbelievable of me and now I deserve to do something for myself." However, rewarding yourself without at least organizing your plans for career before you go can make embarking on a job crusade when you return more difficult. Here are some stats to consider: Landing an entry-level job after school (from start to finish) averages at least two months. The process of finding the job opportunity, going on the interviews, receiving and accepting the job offer, and then beginning the job, all take time. It is easier to conduct this process when you are close to resources (i.e. Campus career center) and a network of peers who are in the midst of finding work too. All too often, college grads put off their career homework until after they're done having fun. They return home and suddenly find themselves alone and without the preserve of their friends and school to help them. Add in the inherent pressure of parents over your shoulder, inquiring about your progress, and finding for a job can become very overwhelming. I once had an angry father call me to quiz, about my services for his son because, in his own words, "My son just got back from a 7-month road trip of fun only for me to find out he has no idea of what he wants to do or how to find a job. What did I spent K on a college instruction for?!?!" This father-son association was quite strained, and much of my time coaching this new college grad was spent trying to get him to stop beating himself up for not taking accountability for his future. Don't get stuck in this position. You must consider the consequences of your actions.

But, if this isn't enough guess to focus on your career goals before you go, consider this: opting to play as opposed to finding for a job sends a clear message to employers with regard to your expert priorities. Here's a true story, I was speaking to a boss of a victorious consulting institution in March of last year who was finding for an intern. She had just interviewed a young woman who had graduated the previous May and had opted to grab a job as a bartender because in her own words, "I didn't know what I wanted to do and wasn't ready for a real job." The young woman had impressed the boss with her power and appearance but was implicated with the young woman's inability to carry clearly how and why she now was ready to commit to a full-time, expert position. The client opted not to hire this graduate and said to me, "I think I'd rather wait two more months and get an intern from the upcoming graduating class. That way, I'll know the someone I hire has a sense of urgency to work and be successful."

Actions speak louder than words, so select wisely what you do after graduation. The best way to enjoy taking time off after college is to make sure your expert game plan is in order Before you go. And when you return and start finding for a job, don't forget to couple what you've learned about yourself while on your post-college adventure and how you plan to use that knowledge in your career.

Tip #4: More degrees don't mean more money! If you aren't sure what to do next, the Last thing you should do is stay in school.

Several years ago, I was in a meeting with a group of college seniors. I went nearby the room and asked each attendee what they were reasoning of doing after graduation. As I arrived at a young man who appeared safe bet to the point of cocky, his response was, "I'm planning to go to law school, get my Mba, or get a Masters in Education." Given that it was April and graduation season was a month away, I was very surprised. So I asked him, "Why law school?" His response was a flustered 'um, um' followed by a defensively toned, 'Because I think I might like it." Needless to say, six months later, he was seeking career coaching. He had graduated, had no idea of what he indubitably wanted to do, nor how to find the answer. I think many college grads are like this young man. They believe that instruction is a safe bet. His multi-faceted answer months earlier had been his way to make sure every person was impressed, while he secretly was confused about what to do next. I'm just glad he didn't force himself to go to school to save face! Going back to school without determining a financially sound guess to go is a risky investment. Enlarge degrees only supply career advancement when they offer the opportunity to build a definite skill set for a particular job/career. Don't go back to school unless you are 100% safe bet you'll use what you learn to get ahead. best still, work for a enterprise who will pay for it. Don't believe me? Then consider these facts: some studies advise as many as ½ of the population who get industrialized degrees never see the financial return on their educational investment, while another study shows almost 40% of all Enlarge degree recipients end up taking jobs that they could have gotten without their further degree.

Tip #5: Don't succumb to Cinderella Syndrome. The sooner you break your addiction to acceptance, praise, grades, rewards and other bribes, the sooner you'll find personally satisfying work that is professionally rewarding.

Many Americans, especially young ones, are victims of Cinderella Syndrome. The idea that one day, a surprising event will come along and fix their situation. For example, those that are severely in debt dream of winning the lottery, getting an inheritance, or even marrying a rich person. Others who dream of expert success dream the 'perfect' opportunity will finally fall in their path and be theirs for the taking. The number of population between the ages of 14 and 28 who believe they will finally be renowned and victorious is staggering. And why shouldn't they? Reality Tv and a sensorial attack of marketing imagery tell them that they can have it all and that they are destined for greatness.

Yet, here's the real problem: Generation Next has been raised on the use of external incentives as a way to get them to do things. Focused on a prize for all you do, many Gen Nexters are now addicted to rewards that contain praise and acceptance from others. But we both know, an incentive is a nice word for 'bribe.' And when humans are forced to meet the expectations of others using bribes, they retaliate by putting in the least number of effort to accomplish the goal. Don't believe me? Then check out Alfie Kohn's book, "Punished by Rewards: The Problems with Gold Stars, A's, Praise and Other Bribes," and you will speedily understand why so wee effort is put into identifying a career path while in school today. The average college student's only goal is to get the piece of paper required to keep others satisfied. In fact, students are encouraged to keep their options open and to address their career interests after graduation. Unfortunately, this is having dismal results. Some say today's college grad will have as many as 10 jobs in the first ten years of their life - you are becoming perpetual job seekers who don't receive the benefits of mentoring or expert improvement due to job hopping. And, as a career coach who's college grad clientele has tripled in the last year alone, I can tell your trust will be weakened as bounce around, desperately trying to find career satisfaction, but feeling like a personal failure instead. Yet worst of all, your revenue inherent suffers too. Being a master is what gives you greater earning potential. The best you are at a particular skill set, the more sought after you'll be. However, years of career exploration without any calculated thoughts towards developing principal skill sets that can finally be leveraged as professionals strengths results in the 'jack of all trades, master of none' persona. History is beginning to repeat itself, the very generation that wants to stop career urgency and find work-balance is ending up confused and lacking the palpate principal to take control. On-set career urgency (the same anger, depression and anxiety felt by Mid-career urgency individuals but at the first stage of the career path) is rising amongst Generation Next.

So, why don't more college students just pick a career and get going? Well, given the number of career choices today and the lack of guidance given to help them leverage their strengths and narrow down their interests, Generation Next is finding themselves ill-equipped to recognize and embark on a satisfying career. dream being brought into a supermarket and told, "Stand here and without reading the labels, pick one food. But pick wisely, because you are going to have to eat it every day for the next three years," and now you will get a sense of what it's like to be a college grad finding for their first job today. And let's not forget that reality Tv and being submersed in the On-demand, Instant Gratification Era has your generation feeling the greatest number of pressure to effect at a young age in history. It's no wonder why, no matter how you spell it, 'career' is a four-letter word to Gen Next.

So, what's the solution? Go out and find what you are finding for, then build the plan to make it happen for yourself. I warrant you'll get their faster (and have more fun doing it) then your peers who select to wait for Prince Charming. Generation Next can begin by leveraging their experiences as expert students. It's time to coming your career like you would a term paper. Seek out resources and do your homework. Set up informational interviews and talk to population whom you respect professionally. Get the facts so you can focus on a two-year expert improvement plan that involves improving a skill set in a particular business that excites you. You are not making a life-or-death decision or a long-term commitment, but you do need to recognize a smart, short-term expert goal and go after it. A career path is full of twists and turns, but opting to hit the road without at least some destination in mind can get you lost, not to mention, waste principal time and resources.

Tip #6: Got a career Story? If not, then plan on a longer, more stressful job search.

Want to impress hiring managers? Then you Must be able to articulate your expert strengths and short-term career goals in 30 seconds or less. This is called a 'Career Story' and the more compelling it is, the best the odds you'll get hired. Like it or not, you are 'selling' your services when you look for a job. So you need to reflect on your situation, Correlate yourself, and then put together a brief overview of what kind of employee you are and what you want to accomplish professionally in the near future. The key to a great career Story is simple: be honest, be authentic, but most of all, be worth hiring! I have my clients write out their career Story and share it with several professionals they respect. They then take the feedback and couple it in so they can represent the story and commit it to memory. I'm not suggesting it be rattled off like a line from a play, but rather, learned to the point that it is easy to articulate and converse about. A strong career Story speaks volumes about your knowledge of yourself and your desire to be professionally successful. Hiring managers hire population who know how they'll add value to their assosication from day one. Share with them how you'll be a valued asset and the job will be yours.

Tip #7: Spray-and-pray job searches are for population who are willing to resolve for what's available. Get active, generate a network, and you'll get way to the hot jobs nobody else knows about.

The average job seeker has to send out over 100 resumes to get even one response. The automation of the job crusade process has inundated hiring managers with so much paper, they are forced to be aggressive in their 'weeding out' methods. A straightforward typo or an odd formatting of your resume can land you in the 'no' pile in a second. Frustrating, but true. And, if your resume does make it into the 'for consideration' pile, know this: Managers hire personalities, yet, an applicant's personality is severely diminished, and often misinterpreted when wee to conveying it via a particular piece of paper. Fact: 93% of communication is non-verbal. That means, your resume, by itself, has a wee capacity to present you effectively. If you want to find a great job, you need to associate 'live' with population who can Correlate your inherent and direct you towards the right opportunities.

How can you make this happen? Set up informational interviews with population at clubs and in positions that interest you. You are not request for a job, but rather gathering data on how to land a job like theirs. This is the particular best way to build your first expert network. Some stats say as many as 80% of jobs are filled via referral. Who's going to refer you? If you are shy or feel like you would be imposing on these people, let me turn your perspective: What someone doesn't want to take a few minutes out of their day to discuss how they became successful? Moreover, seasoned professionals know the value of making connections. Who knows? Referring you to a job may help them in their own career some day. So, get your career Story in great shape and start sharing it with the world. Get busy setting up opportunities to meet with population who can share their expertise and knowledge with you too. And soon, you'll master the right way to get the inside track on those jobs that never get posted, a.k.a. The good ones!

Tip #8: A great mentor is worth a lot more than a good job.

The excitement for any new job wears off over time, but the association with the right boss can keep you engaged, challenged, and on the fast-track to success. When finding for a job, consider the manager. Can you see yourself learning a lot from her/him? What's their career Story? How did they get in their position and what could you gain by being under their tutelage? Most importantly, can you see yourself being comfortable enough to take principal feedback from them and to share your expert concerns with them? Here's another guess to select a job based on the manager. population often refer to 'office politics' in the workplace. They are everywhere. It's only natural for an environment of varied personalities to have conflicts and differences of opinion. So, office politics will all the time exist. A large part of success on-the-job boils down to who you know and how you work with these politics. finding a boss you respect and are willing to take guidance from will help you navigate these politics and rise up in an organization.

Tip #9: Want to quantum leap your career? Then learn to deal with the three C's!

Your generation has been protected and encouraged with safe bet reinforcement throughout your entire lives by well-intentioned parents who wanted to minimize your exposure to pain, failure, disagreements, and other negative experiences. The "everyone gets a trophy" and "you're all special" mantras you listened to were meant to build confidence, but this parenting coming had the drawback of not letting you 'skin your knees' and build your quality to cope with the emotional impact of the three C's: Conflict, annotation and Causing Disappointment. Here's what you need to know from this point forward: to effect in your career, and more importantly, in life, you will Have To A) work through intensely conflicted situations, B) receive and internalize criticism, and C) accept that you will cause disappointment, because you just can't please everyone, all the time.

How do you put in order yourself to deal with these successfully. Begin by focusing in on who you are and how you want others to perceive you. Define your personal and expert goals on your own terms, not someone else's, and then go after what You want, know the repaymen for addressing the C's that encounter along the way will only serve to make you stronger. It's time to make your principal skills in these areas. Ask any victorious expert how they got where they are today and they'll confirm that building up your resiliency against the 3C's is the key.

Tip #10: Embrace the equation used by the most professionally satisfied population in the world.

I've worked with hundreds of population who were professionally successful, but personally miserable. In fact, I was once one myself. So, I ask anyone who knows someone like this to consider the following: "Can you indubitably call it career 'success' if it costs you a happy life?" I realized speedily that there is something flawed in our current expert logic. So I researched the situation and learned that no other culture in the world puts as much emphasis on career as the defining element of their personal worth than America. We base many major life decisions on our quality to answer the question, "What do you do?" For best or worse, we are a community that sizes individuals up and determines how much respect we will bestow on a person, based on what they do for work. Yet, I challenge you to ask yourself the next time you meet someone who appears professionally successful, "But, are they victorious in life?"

So, how do you find career satisfaction And a victorious life? You embrace and pursue your career using the following equation as the foundation of what you do: palpate = Learn = Grow. satisfaction comes through growth. Growth occurs when we learn. learning comes from experiences. Find things that let you get 'lost in the moment' of the experience, and you will find work that doesn't feel like work. population who love what they do will tell you they wake up every day and look forward to 'experiencing' what their career has to offer them. Proactively seek out opportunities to learn on-the-job and you'll grow to new levels of success and satisfaction. Be grateful for the opportunity to work, get creative in your ways to engage in it, and most of all, get excited about your capacity to Enlarge your knowledge through experience, and a career that satisfies will be yours.

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